1. Name and status
- The group’s name will be the Saltaire History Club.
- It will act as an unincorporated, not-for-profit association.
2 The purposes of the club
- The Club’s purposes are•to promote the dissemination of historical information
- To encourage research relating to Saltaire
- To support the integrity of the World Heritage Site
- To support the development of the Saltaire Collection.
3 Membership
- Membership shall be free of charge
- Membership will be accorded to anyone signing up for regular contact with the Club.
4 Co-ordinating group (CG)
- The CG shall consist of the officers and additional members at the discretion of the AGM or the CG itself.
- The Club shall have the following officers: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.
- With the exception of these three offices, a general meeting or the CG shall have the power to vary, add and allocate officer posts in the light of circumstances.
- The CG may appoint associate members to the CG.
- For a CG meeting to be quorate, at least 3 members of the CG must be present.
- A record of each CG meeting shall be kept and be made accessible to members.
- The CG must keep accounts which may be viewed by any member on request.
- The CG may make reasonable additional rules for the proper conduct and management of the Club.
5 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- An AGM must be held each calendar year.
- Members must be given at least 14 days’ notice of an AGM.
- For an AGM to be quorate, at least 8 members must be present.
- At the AGM, the CG shall present the annual report and accounts and CG elections shall be held.
- Every member shall have one vote.
- All CG members will retire at the AGM but may stand for re-election.
6 Funds
- Funds must be held in the Club’s bank account.
- All cheques must be signed by an authorised named officer.
- Club funds cannot be used to pay CG members except to refund legitimate expenses.
- Club funds and property must only be used for the purposes of the Club.
7 Special General Meeting (SGM)
- An SGM may be called by the CG.
- All members must be given 14 days’ notice and told the reason(s) for calling the SGM.
8 Changing the constitution
- The constitution may only be changed at a general meeting.
9 Winding up
- The Club may be wound up by a two thirds majority of members present and voting at a Special General Meeting.
- Any money or property. remaining after payment of debts must be given to an organisation with a similar status and purposes.